Monday, November 7, 2011



  1. Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
  2. The doctrine, esp. as set forth by Leibniz, that this world is the best of all possible worlds.

This world is the best of all possible worlds...if everyone treated it as such, we'd do less drugs, or at least quit abusing them. SO that is the plan. Start a blog in order to have a continuing tangible (however tangible the Internet is...) source of optimism about my projects, and this world. The beauty of optimism is that it is a shared experience. Fortunately for everyone, you can choose (or not) to share this adventure into the land of perpetuating optimism. With a guest appearance from the evil twin pessimism, probably more than once. But then we can all hate on her after! FUN!

now that I have successfully posted an extremely vague idea of this nonsensical blog, I'm sure I've sucked in at least one reader. 

Hi mom.... I'll call you later. 

just a little clarification: I'm aware that there is a fantastic possibility there are other worlds out there- however i'm FAIRLY sure i'll probably end up on this one. 


Here's a little OPT TISM for you:
"One should dry hump as much as possible; it leads to great things." 
-Cameron Diaz

oh & Who knew dogs had awkward family portraits too!

Feel Good. 

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