Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cats & Onions I mean Occupy PSU I mean.. I'm confused

Really what is next. REALLY. I mean we can go ahead and stand infront of public transportation more, but that isn't exactly getting the message across. From my experience when people are angry they tend ahem, not, to listen. 
but I sure as hell refuse to let you all go back to your comfy chairs and as my all knowing father says "faaaget about it" 


It's 51 minutes and worth your time. but if you happen to have too many boogers to blow and wedgies to pick to watch I'll give you a two second summary. 

This is about the Arab Spring- a small country called Bahrain. It's quite often ignored under the shadow of Egypt but the story is inspiration (and quite literally a how to guide on how have a peaceful revolution)

I apologize for how this blog has turned into political ramblings and not a source of optimal optimistic opportunity. I swear I shall rebound once my acid reflux quits torturing my esophagus (TMI)
Till Tomorrow When I'm Avoiding More Homework. 

Here's a little happy dance song of our generation 

This video can't make you feel very optimistic so here is a little opt TISM to cheer your ass (heh) up 

Literally makes no sense

pa pa pa pa PEACE!

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